Wednesday, June 06, 2012

We’re invite to the Sydney Mardi Gras Community Social

Hi Guys

The Mardi Gras committee has invited LWP to its upcoming event called "Community Engagement."  It is designed to gather thoughts and feedback on how Sydney Mardi Gras 2012 was and thoughts, ideas or even concerns moving forward.

5PM- 8PM, Alexandria Hotel (cnr Henderson Rd & Garden St), Alexandria 2015

Tuscan is going along and if you would like to attend with him please RSVP by COB Wednesday 13 June 2012 by emailing

If you can't make it but wish to share any thoughts or questions, please email and he will pass them to the appropriate person.

MG Website Invitation

Lifesavers with Pride Committee
Nick (0431 881 021), Christine, Paul, Tuscan, Gerard, Gary, Grant, Orlando & Claire

The national group of gay and lesbian Australian surf lifesavers and their friends